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Virtual Smart Card

2024-06-09 21:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Virtual Smart Card¶

Smart card emulator written in Python


GPL version 3

Tested Platforms



Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, OpenMoko)

Virtual Smart Card emulates a smart card and makes it accessible through PC/SC. Currently the Virtual Smart Card supports the following types of smart cards:

Generic ISO-7816 smart card including secure messaging

German electronic identity card (nPA) with complete support for EAC (PACE, TA, CA)

Electronic passport (ePass/MRTD) with support for BAC

Cryptoflex smart card (incomplete)

The vpcd is a smart card reader driver for PCSC-Lite 2 and the windows smart card service. It allows smart card applications to access the vpicc through the PC/SC API. By default vpcd opens slots for communication with multiple vpicc’s on localhost on port 35963 and port 35964. But the vpicc does not need to run on the same machine as the vpcd, they can connect over the internet for example.

Although the Virtual Smart Card is a software emulator, you can use PC/SC Relay to make it accessible to an external contact-less smart card reader.

The file was taken from Henryk Plötz’s cyberflex-shell 1.

Virtual Smart Card used with PCSC-Lite or WinSCard

New in version 0.7: The Virtual Smart Card optionally brings its own standalone implementation of PC/SC. This allows accessing vpicc without PCSC-Lite. Our PC/SC implementation acts as replacement for libpcsclite which can lead to problems when used in parallel with PCSC-Lite.

Virtual Smart Card used with its own PC/SC implementation

On Android, where a traditional PC/SC framework is not available, you can use our framework to make your real contact-less smart accessible through PKCS#11. For example, an email signing application can use the PKCS#11 interface of OpenSC, which is linked against our PC/SC implementation. Then an Android App (e.g. Remote Smart Card Reader) can connect as vpicc delegating all requests and responses via NFC to a contact-less smart card that signs the mail.

Depending on your usage of the vpicc you may need to install the following:

Python 3

pyscard 4 (relaying a local smart card with –type=relay)

PyCryptodome, PBKDF2 5, PIL 8, readline 6 or PyReadline 7 (emulation of electronic passport with –type=ePass)

OpenPACE 9 (emulation of German identity card with –type=nPA)

libqrencode 10 (to print a QR code on the command line for vpcd-config; an URL will be printed if libqrencode is not available)


You can find the latest release of Virtual Smart Card on Github. Older releases are still available on Sourceforge.

Alternatively, you can clone our git repository:

git clone cd vsmartcard git submodule update --init --recursive Installation¶ Installation on Linux, Unix and similar¶

The Virtual Smart Card uses the GNU Build System to compile and install. If you are unfamiliar with it, please have a look at INSTALL. If you can not find it, you are probably working bleeding edge in the repository. To generate the missing standard auxiliary files you need to additionally install libtool and pkg-config and run the following command in virtualsmartcard:

autoreconf --verbose --install

To configure (configure --help lists possible options), build and install the Virtual Smart Card now do the following:

./configure --sysconfdir=/etc make make install Building and installing vpcd on Mac OS X¶

Mac OS X 10.9 and earlier is using PCSC-Lite as smart card service which allows using the standard routine for installation on Unix.

Mac OS X 10.10 (and later) ships with a proprietary implementation of the PC/SC layer instead of with PCSC-Lite. As far as we know, this means that smart card readers must be USB devices instead of directly allowing a more generic type of reader. To make vpcd work we simply configure it to pretend being a USB smart card reader with an Info.plist:

./configure --enable-infoplist make make install Building vpcd on Windows¶

New in version 0.7: We implemented vpcd as user mode device driver for Windows so that vpicc can directly be used in Windows’ smart card applications that use PC/SC.

For the Windows integration we extended Fabio Ottavi’s UMDF Driver for a Virtual Smart Card Reader 11 with a vpcd interface. If you choose to download the Windows binaries 14, you may directly jump to step 4.

In the CI environment, we’re building vpcd for Windows with Visual Studio Community 2019 with SDK/WDK for Windows 11. (The WDK version needs to match at least your targeted version of Windows, see this guide for installing VS with WDK 12) The vpcd installer additionally requires the WiX Toolset 3.10 13 to be installed.

Clone the git repository and make sure it is initialized with all submodules:

git clone cd vsmartcard git submodule update --init --recursive

In Visual Studio open vpcd’s solution virtualsmartcard\win32\BixVReader.sln and ensure with the configuration manager, that the project is built for your platform (i.e. x64 or x82).

If you can successfully Build the solution, you can find the installer (BixVReaderInstaller.msi) in virtualsmartcard\win32\BixVReaderInstaller\bin\*Release

For debugging vpcd and building the driver with an older version of Visual Studio or WDK please see Fabio Ottavi’s UMDF Driver for a Virtual Smart Card Reader 11 for details.

All of Fabio’s card connectors are still available, but inactive by default (see Configuring vpcd on Windows below).

Istalling vpcd on Windows¶

To import the installer’s test signing certificate, double click BixVReader.cer and add it to the Trusted Root Certification Authority and the Trusted Publishers at the Local Computer” (not the *Current User).

On the commandline, you could do this as follows:

CertMgr.exe /add BixVReader.cer /s /r localMachine root /all CertMgr.exe /add BixVReader.cer /s /r localMachine trustedpublisher

Feel free to remove the certificate from the certificate stores once the device is installed.

To install vpcd, double click BixVReaderInstaller.msi.

Using the Virtual Smart Card¶

The protocol between vpcd and vpicc as well as details on extending vpicc with a different card emulator are covered in Creating a Virtual Smart Card. Here we will focus on configuring and running the provided modules.

Configuring vpcd on Unix¶

The configuration file of vpcd is usually placed into /etc/reader.conf.d/. For older versions of PCSC-Lite you need to run update-reader.conf to update pcscd’s main configuration file. The PC/SC daemon should read it and load the vpcd on startup. In debug mode pcscd -f -d should say something like “Attempting startup of Virtual PCD” when loading vpcd.

By default, vpcd opens a socket for vpicc and waits for incoming connections. The port to open should be specified in CHANNELID and DEVICENAME:

FRIENDLYNAME "Virtual PCD" DEVICENAME /dev/null:0x8C7B LIBPATH /usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/serial/ CHANNELID 0x8C7B

If the first part of the DEVICENAME is different from /dev/null, vpcd will use this string as a hostname for connecting to a waiting vpicc. vpicc needs to be started with –reversed in this case.

Configuring vpcd on Mac OS X¶

Mac OS X 10.9 and earlier is using PCSC-Lite as smart card service which allows using the standard routine for configuration on Unix.

On Mac OS X 10.10 you should have configured the generation of Info.plist at compile time. Now do the following for registering vpcd as USB device:

Choose an USB device (e.g. mass storage, phone, mouse, …), which will be used to start vpcd. Plug it into the computer.

Run the following command to get the device’s product and vendor ID:

system_profiler SPUSBDataType

Change /usr/local/libexec/SmartCardServices/drivers/ifd-vpcd.bundle/Info.plist to match your product and vendor ID:

CFBundleDevelopmentRegion English CFBundleExecutable libifdvpcd.dylib CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundleName ifd-vpcd CFBundlePackageType BNDL CFBundleSignature ???? CFBundleVersion 0.8 ifdManufacturerString Virtual Smart Card Architecture ifdProductString Virtual PCD ifdCapabilities 0x00000000 ifdProtocolSupport 0x00000001 ifdVersionNumber 0x00000001 ifdVendorID 0x18d1 ifdProductID 0x4ee1 ifdFriendlyName /dev/null:0x8C7B Copyright This driver is protected by terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

Note that ifdFriendlyName can be used in the same way as DEVICENAME described above.

Restart the PC/SC service:

sudo killall -SIGKILL -m '.*'

Now, every time you plug in your USB device vpcd will be started. It will be stopped when you unplug the device.

To verify the installation, execute:

system_profiler SPSmartCardsDataType

In case of a problem, inspect the logs:

log show --predicate '(subsystem == "")' --info --debug Configuring vpcd on Windows¶

The configuration file BixVReader.ini of vpcd is installed to C:\Windows (%SystemRoot%). The user mode device driver framework (WUDFHost.exe) should read it automatically and load the vpcd on startup. The Windows Device Manager mmc devmgmt.msc should list the Bix Virtual Smart Card Reader.

vpcd opens a socket for vpicc and waits for incoming connections. The port to open should be specified in TCP_PORT:

[Driver] NumReaders=3 [Reader0] RPC_TYPE=0 VENDOR_NAME=Fabio Ottavi VENDOR_IFD_TYPE=Pipe Reader DECIVE_UNIT=0 [Reader1] RPC_TYPE=1 VENDOR_NAME=Fabio Ottavi VENDOR_IFD_TYPE=TCP/IP Reader DECIVE_UNIT=1 [Reader2] RPC_TYPE=2 VENDOR_NAME=Virtual Smart Card Architecture VENDOR_IFD_TYPE=Virtual PCD TCP_PORT=35963 DECIVE_UNIT=2

Currently it is not possible to configure the Windows driver to connect to an vpicc running with –reversed.

Running vpicc¶

The compiled Windows binaries 14 of vpicc include OpenPACE. The other dependencies listed above need to be installed seperately. You can start the vpicc via python.exe On all other systems an executable script vicc is installed using the autotools.

The vpicc option –help gives an overview about the command line switches:

usage: vicc [-h] [-t {iso7816,cryptoflex,ePass,nPA,relay,handler_test}] [-v] [-f FILE] [-H HOSTNAME] [-P PORT] [-R] [--version] [--reader READER] [--mitm MITM] [--ef-cardaccess EF_CARDACCESS] [--ef-cardsecurity EF_CARDSECURITY] [--cvca CVCA] [--disable-ta-checks] [--ca-key CA_KEY] [-d DATASETFILE] [--esign-cert ESIGN_CERT] [--esign-ca-cert ESIGN_CA_CERT] Virtual Smart Card 0.8: Smart card emulator written in Python. The emulator connects to the virtual smart card reader reader (vpcd). Smart card applications can access the Virtual Smart Card through the vpcd via PC/SC. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t {iso7816,cryptoflex,ePass,nPA,relay,handler_test}, --type {iso7816,cryptoflex,ePass,nPA,relay,handler_test} type of smart card to emulate (default: iso7816) -v, --verbose Use (several times) to be more verbose -f FILE, --file FILE load a saved smart card image -H HOSTNAME, --hostname HOSTNAME specifiy vpcd's host name if vicc shall connect to it. (default: localhost) -P PORT, --port PORT port of connection establishment (default: 35963) -R, --reversed use reversed connection mode. vicc will wait for an incoming connection from vpcd. (default: False) --version show program's version number and exit Relaying a local smart card (`--type=relay`): --reader READER number of the reader containing the card to be relayed (default: 0) --mitm MITM relative path to a file containing a Man-in-the-Middle class that is supposed to be used with the relay Emulation of German identity card (`--type=nPA`): --ef-cardaccess EF_CARDACCESS the card's EF.CardAccess (default: use file from first generation nPA) --ef-cardsecurity EF_CARDSECURITY the card's EF.CardSecurity (default: use file from first generation nPA) --cvca CVCA trust anchor for verifying certificates in TA (default: use libeac's trusted certificates) --disable-ta-checks disable checking the validity period of CV certifcates (default: False) --ca-key CA_KEY the chip's private key for CA (default: randomly generated, invalidates signature of EF.CardSecurity) -d DATASETFILE, --datasetfile DATASETFILE Load the smartcard's data groups (DGs) from the specified dataset file. For DGs not in dataset file default values are used. The data groups in the data set file must have the following syntax: --------------------------------------------------- Datagroupname=Datagroupvalue --------------------------------------------------- For Example: GivenNames=GERTRUD. The following Dataset Elements may be used in the dataset file: DocumentType, IssuingState, DateOfExpiry, GivenNames, FamilyNames, ReligiousArtisticName, AcademicTitle, DateOfBirth, PlaceOfBirth, Nationality, Sex, BirthName, Country, City, ZIP, Street, CommunityID, ResidencePermit1, ResidencePermit2, dg12, dg14, dg15, dg16, dg21. --esign-cert ESIGN_CERT the card holder's certificate for QES --esign-ca-cert ESIGN_CA_CERT the CA's certificate for QES Report bugs to

New in version 0.7: We implemented vpcd-config which tries to guess the local IP address and outputs vpcd’s configuration. vpicc’s options should be chosen accordingly (–hostname and –port) vpcd-config also prints a QR code for configuration of the Remote Smart Card Reader.

When vpcd and vpicc are connected you should be able to access the card through the PC/SC API. You can use the opensc-explorer or pcsc_scan for testing. In Virtual Smart Card’s root directory we also provide scripts for testing with npa-tool 15 and PCSC-Lite’s smart card reader driver tester.

Testing vpicc -t ePass¶

A simple tool to test BAC is available for Python 2.7. On Ubuntu, its requiremets are installed as follows:

sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev curl -o python2.7 python2.7 -m pip install pycryptodomex pyscard python2.7 --no-gui git clone cd cyberflex-shell

Now we can create and run a small script:

echo "select_application a0000002471001" > script.txt echo "perform_bac L898902C






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